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Dust Testing
From Everything Lead
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These are the results of my dust study so far.
We did 12 rounds of tests
Each round had a blinded set of two dust particles, they were observed under magnification
Each comparison round was tested for lead and illuminated with UV light before and after testing.
The two participants determined if there was a positive or negative result for lead.
Dust Testing
What You Should Know
Testing dust for lead is crucial in maintaining a safe and healthy living environment, especially in homes with children. Lead-contaminated dust can result from deteriorating lead-based paints, industrial emissions, and even tracked-in soil. By regularly testing household dust for lead, we can identify hidden risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate exposure. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the limit for lead in dust wipe samples is 10 micrograms per square foot (µg/ft²) for floors and 100 µg/ft² for window sills. Utilizing advanced testing methods ensures the accurate detection of lead particles, helping to prevent the severe health effects associated with lead poisoning. Prioritizing dust testing in your home is a proactive step towards safeguarding the well-being of your family.
Dust is traditionally testing using a dust wipe same where you can purchase a dust wipe and send it to the lab to be digested and tested with a spectrometer.
Fluoro-Spec is another way that we can test for lead in dust. Because of the hyper sensitivity and the nature of the perovskite technology, Fluoro-Spec can detect very small particles of dust and it will reveal exactly where the lead is in the dust by making it glow.